Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Vehicle Interior Cleaning FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions on our Car Interior cleaning and Spillage and Odour Removal services

Q) How long does the cleaning process take?

A) All vehicles and situations differ, however, here are some examples:

  • Upholstery cleaning – Around 2 to 3 hours
  • Vomit and urine removal – Around 2 to 3 hours
  • Nicotine removal – Around 4 to 6 hours

Q) How much do you charge?

A) Each CarCleanseUK operator has their own fee charged by the hour.

Q) I read a guide called 'how to remove odours from your car' and one of the tips mentioned using bicarbonate of soda. Does this really work?

A) Bicarbonate of soda will react with acidic spillages by making them less acidic and reducing the odour. This does not however kill bacteria which is the main contributor to vomit and milk spillage odours.

Q) We purchased a used car from our local garage and two weeks later we could smell cigarettes, it has since been back to the dealer and re-cleaned, but it still smells of smoke. Is there anything else we can do?

A) Car dealers will use ‘odour bombs’ to mask odours rather than spend time and money locating the problem and eliminating it. In reality, the inside of the vehicle requires cleaning from top to bottom using specialist cleaning chemicals to remove the traces of nicotine which are contributing to the smoke odour.

Q) Can you guarantee to permanently remove the odour?

A) Sadly, no guarantees can be given to permanent or complete removal of odours. In most cases a significant improvement is more achievable.

Q) If you could offer some top tips for cleaning maintaining a healthy car interior, what would they be?


  1. The first thing we would suggest is try and keep the interior tidy and free of rubbish, food, drinks
  2. Regular vacuuming
  3. Don’t eat, drink or smoke in the car
  4. Change the vehicle’s pollen filter
  5. Don’t allow containers to fall over – secure them
  6. Food and liquid spillage must be cleaned immediately
  7. Try and keep the car well ventilated
  8. Keep pets in one area and cover carpets with blankets
  9. Try not to allow direct sweaty body contact with upholstery
  10. Get the upholstery / carpets professionally cleaned every 12 months

Q) Can ozone treatment kill the smell of cigarettes?

A) Unless the nicotine has been removed from fabrics and hard surfaces, ozone will have very limited effect.

Q) My child was ill in the car and I tried disinfectant and bicarbonate of soda but I can’t remove the smell of sick.

A) No amount of disinfectant, deodorisers or recommended solutions you have found online will have much effect, sadly. The vomit smell is bacteria which is still present within the vehicle and has to be treated using enzyme-based chemicals and biocides.

Q) Do your cleaning products contain harmful additives?

A) Our core cleaning product is completely bio-safe, non-toxic and not harmful to people or pets.

Q) Can you come to my home or workplace to work on the car?

A) Providing you have a safe area with plenty of room to work around the vehicle with access to power and a sink with a hot tap, yes!

Q) My car is over 10 years old and in a sorry state and I only want to spend about £30...

A) If you have an old car, or a car which has been neglected and requires lots of time spent cleaning, then valeting would be more appropriate.

Some of clients are major car dealerships and vehicle rental businesses!